Byzantine Religion

There are two main religions in the Byzantine empire, Eastern Orthodox and the Roman Catholic Church. To the Byzantines, Christianity is not only a religion; it is the main foundation of this great and powerful empire. Unfortunately; there are currently some issues between the two religions which led to creating special sects for the Roman Catholics around the Eastern part of Byzantium, where the teaching of the Eastern Orthodox Church are highly enforced.

Our church and government are strongly linked. This ensures loyalty of people, not only to their country, but to their faith as well. Our Emperor is viewed as a living representative of God, so Byzantines across the empire are strongly intertwined with their religion and their country.

Most art and architecture is strongly influenced by the church. Our cities are scattered with hundreds of churches; from those as great as the Hagia Sophia (right), to small churches which line the city streets. Visiting Constantinople is a perfect way for those people who enjoy expanding their mind to really "go wild"! Art adds life and color to our empire and has a huge impact on the way people view the church, the government, and, ultimately, the empire.